Spotlight On Litter

Not only is litter an eyesore to the natural beauty, but it has an adverse impact on the environment and animals and, ultimately, on us. Individually, people often think that they are small in the grand scheme of things which has been a contributing factor to why most people do not believe that throwing a candy wrapper on the ground will have much of an effect on the world, but it does. This is why it is of utmost importance to shine the spotlight on this issue of littering in order to understand what an enormous impact it has.

Effect of litter on animals and the environment

Not all rubbish is properly disposed of and that litter is likely to get blown by the wind or carried elsewhere by water. This can be hazardous to animals in more ways than one. Unfortunately, animals often mistake rubbish for food. In the oceans, the main form of litter is plastic. National Geographic reported that, in 2015, the ocean had 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in it, and since plastic often has additives that make it stronger and extend its life, it can withstand weathering for a long time. This also means that it is not easy to digest when ingested. This has resulted in animals’ digestive systems being blocked causing them to die a slow and painful death.

Animals can also suffer cuts from broken glass, which can cause terrible injuries, or cause wounds that may become infected.  Many creatures find themselves caught-up in plastic six-pack rings, or tangled in strings or nets. This usually leads to the animals suffocating or starving to death. This also makes them more vulnerable to predators as their movement is restricted. Fire hazards and habitat contamination and degradation are other results of littering that disrupt ecosystem processes and threaten the survival of wildlife.

Effect of litter on health and safety

Litter carries germs that, over time, become a breeding ground for bacteria. Human exposure to these germs can lead to diseases such as cholera and typhoid. One-third of existing litter is made of tobacco products. Cigarettes can cause fires and they contain toxic chemicals such as arsenic, cadmium, and lead, which can contaminate the environment. These chemicals, as well as those from other forms of litter, can poison the soil, and polluted water and metals can also leach into groundwater supplies. The quality of the air we breathe can also be affected due to the smell and toxic/chemical vapour. Researchers estimate that more than 40% of the world’s waste is burned in the open air, releasing toxic emissions. These emissions can cause respiratory and other health issues, and even be a starting base for acid rain.

The issue of littering also has a negative impact on the economy as municipalities are forced to spend a lot of money on hiring people to clean up. This money is often obtained by taxing citizens which means that even the people who aren’t part of the problem are paying the price for it. Tourism is also affected as the number of tourists decreases if an area is smelly and unsightly.

Author, Katherine Hannigan, once said, “We don’t own the earth.  We are the earth’s caretakers.  We take care of it and all the things on it.  And when we’re done with it, it should be left better than we found it.” Littering is a big societal issue and it is important for society to take action before the effects are irreversible.

Ginger Turmeric Immunity-boosting Shot

Immunity-boosting shots are all the rage right now! They are a great way of getting the antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that you need to give your health a boost, and they are super easy to make. They are, however, quite pricey and with the cold and flu season upon us, there isn’t a better time to learn how to make your own at home.

Ginger Turmeric Immunity-boosting Shot

(makes up to 8 servings)


  • 1 fresh, unpeeled ginger root (medium to large size), chopped
  • 2 oranges, chopped with rind included
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • ½ turmeric
  • A pinch of black pepper
  • 2 cups of filtered water


  • A blender


  1. Add all the ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth
  2. Using a fine-mesh sieve with a bowl underneath, pour the juice through the sieve to separate the pulp from the juice.
  3. Transfer the juice from the bowl to a sealable jar or bottle. Store in the fridge for up to four days and enjoy the shots as you please (we recommend one 50-60ml shot a day.)


  1. Turmeric stains EVERYTHING except teeth. Make sure to keep a cloth or paper towel close to immediately clean up any spilled juice.
  2. Save the leftover pulp and add it to other juices for an added flavour.


 Recipe credit:

Le Fera Loaded Brownies (with bells on!)

Spread the love this Christmas with these fully loaded decadent Brownies (with bells on!). What better gift from the heart than a couple of these bad boys, made with love and beautifully gift-wrapped!?

Le Fera Loaded Brownies (with bells on!)

(makes 12 servings)


  • 225g dark chocolate, 60% or darker
  • 1 cup butter (230 g)
  • 1 ½ cups sugar (300 g)
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 ⅓ cups flour (165 g)
ADD INS (load those babies!)
  • ½ cup salted peanuts (60 g)
  • ½ cup salted pretzels (60 g), crushed
  • ½ cup popcorn (85 g)
  • ½ cup white chocolate chips (85 g)
TOPPING (‘cos they’re not quite decadent enough yet!)
  • 10 chocolate sandwich cookies (Romany Creams, or similar), chopped
  • 1 cup chocolate chips (175 g)
  • 1 cup cream (240 ml)
  • 1 cup brown sugar (220 g)
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 4 tablespoons cream
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup Rice Krispies


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
  2. Melt chocolate and butter over a double boiler until melted.
  3. Add sugar and mix well.
  4. Add vanilla extract and salt.
  5. Whisk in the eggs one at a time until fully incorporated and batter is glossy.
  6. Fold in flour gently until smooth.
  7. Fold in add-ins.
  8. Pour into greased 23x33cm pan. Bake 25–30 minutes until toothpick comes out clean.
  9. To make the Caramel Crispy Rice, melt all the ingredients in a medium-sized heavy bottom sauce pan until boiling. Cook for 3 minutes on medium heat while stirring to prevent burning. Add the Rice Krispies and toss until coated, spread evenly onto lined sheet tray and allow to cool.
  10. For the Chocolate Sauce, microwave the chocolate chips and cream in 30-second intervals until smooth.
  11. Allow brownies to cool 15 minutes before drizzling with the Chocolate Sauce, crumbled biscuits and caramel rice.
  12. Cut and serve.


Recipe credit:




Le Fera Festive Watermelon Margaritas

Mix things up with this delicious summery take on a traditional Margarita. This Festive Season, we’re doing it in ultimate Saffer Summer Style – with Watermelons!

Le Fera Festive Watermelon Margaritas

(makes 12 cocktail glass servings)


  • 2 medium limes
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 8 cups seedless watermelon, cubed
  • 2 cups ice cubes
  • 2 cups tequila
  • 1 cup Triple Sec
  • 1/4 cup lime juice


  1. Cut 1 lime into 12 wedges and reserve for garnishes.
  2. If desired, coat the rim of each glass with sugar: Cut remaining lime into wedges. Using these wedges, moisten the rims of 12 margarita or cocktail glasses. Sprinkle sugar on a plate; hold each glass upside down and dip rim into sugar. Discard remaining sugar.
  3. Place half the watermelon in a blender; cover and process until pureed (this should yield about 3 cups). Add half of each of the following: ice cubes, tequila, Triple Sec and lime juice. If desired, add sugar to taste. Cover and process until blended.
  4. Repeat with remaining ingredients.

Serve in prepared glasses. Garnish with reserved lime wedges.


Recipe credit:





Your Resort Stories: Hoffie Hofmeyr’s Story

We love it when our valued guests and shareholders share their holiday experiences with us. As a new section, as part of our blog, we will feature stories that our guests shared with us – some from yesteryear and others from more recently.

Here is a story, told as seen through the eyes of shareholder, Hoffie Hofmeyr:

In 1988, is daar oor naweke bemarking by Mabalingwe gedoen by wyse van ʼn braai by die groot swembad, ‘n aanbieding van die ontwikkelingsplanne waar die muurbalbaan is en ‘n rit per wildbesigtigingsvoertuig na die restaurant en paar woonplekke in Ingwekamp, wat reeds opgerig was, om ‘n idee te kry van hoe hulle destyds gelyk het. Slegs die fondasies van 57 tot 61 was gelê, maar die pragtige uitsig suid en op die waterdrinkplek in die gebied naby waar die Tloukamp nou is, was genoeg om ‘n paar weke te verkoop.

Met die eerste besoeke vanaf 1989, is die wêreld per voet verken. Destyds, was daar nog nie olifante nie. Eers is oor die berg geklim tot by die Kubudam en dan deur die poort gestap tot aan die bopunt van die Wesselsdam, waar daar ‘n goeie piekniek plek was. Later is by die Kubudam eenhede gebou met ‘n konferensiefasiliteit. Die eenhede is gedurende die week vir konferensies gebruik en oor naweke deur deeltiteleienaars.  By die piekniekplek is eers ‘n bergklimplek geskep, toe is ‘n boogskietarea ontwikkel en later ‘n klim-en-klouter-stellasie.

‘n Ander roete was langs die koppie deur waar Kwalatakamp nou is tot by Kameelperddrinkplek. In die omgewing waar die Kalahari Oasis later jare vir die Castrol-advertensies opgerig is, moes ons vir renosters uitgekyk word, want dit was een van hul geliefde uithangplekke. Dan was daar die pad oor die koppie waar die leeukamp vandag is, tot by die ou ingang wat nader aan Witland was as die huidige ingang. Daar was toe miskien nie leeus nie, maar wel pofadders.

Witland self was ‘n ou land en toentertyd sonder bome. Die verskillende boksoorte het daarvan gehou om daar te oornag en vroegoogend na sonsonder se kant, was ‘n mens verseker van ontmoetings.Trouens, dit was moontlik om daar uit te klim en saam met die Kameelperde te stap solank as wat ‘n dertig treë afstand of so gehandhaaf word. By die Tsesebbe-drink-plek was daar op ‘n stadium ‘n skuiling gewees, vanwaar die verskillende diere se manewales dopgehou kon word, soos Njalas wat spog of Koedoes wat ‘stoei’. In 1989, is by geleentheid twee luiperde voor die kantoor vrygelaat en is hulle soos blits teen die berg uit.

Die koms van die seekoeie was iets besonder en ligte is bo by die boonste swembad onder die kroeg aangebring om die onderste gedeelte langs die pad te verlig, wanneer hulle saans uitgekom het om aan voer wat uitgesit is om te vreet. Dit was aan die begin nodig sodat hulle gevestig kon raak. Soms het hulle met mekaar geargumenteer en dan is een tydelik uit die trop verdryf. Daar is gewoonlik na die watergat, suid van Ingwe, gevlug. By een geleentheid het so ‘n seekoei ‘n vrou wat wederregtelik ‘n hondjie saamgebring en gaan stap het in die pad onder na die winkel se kant toe, aangeval en by ‘n ander geleentheid is een uit Ingwe verdryf deur die werkers en personeel wat op die destyds metaalasblikke se deksels geslaan het. Die gevolg was dat daar toe ‘n lae elektriese heining om die kamp aangebring is. Die oorblyfsels is vandag nog daar, maar die seekoeie het intussen hoër op beweeg en bly hoofsaaklik in die Gorcumdam.

Die winkel by die swembad het aan die begin, afgesien van kosvoorrade, ook klere en allerlei aandenkings aangehou. Later was daar ‘n afsonderlike winkel bo by die kantore waar ‘n verskeidenheid toerisme-items aangebied is. Met die ontwikkeling van die karavaankamp en die opening van die winkel daar, het die klem egter verskuif na noodsaaklikhede en die behoeftes van kampeerders.

Soos wat meer kampe ontwikkel en huise opgerig is, het die aard van die aktiwiteite wat aangebied was ook verander. Wildbesigtigingsritte, swem, muurbal, tafeltennis en tennis is aangevul met ‘n ‘Jacuzzi’, mini-golf, vlugbal, ‘n speletjieskamer en ‘n groot verskeidenheid van vermaak wat veral vir ouers met kinders verwelkomend moes wees.Tloukamp, wat die verantwoordelikheid vir konferensies by Kubukamp oorgeneem het en ook op troues en die huisvesting van trougaste afgestem was, het ook weer ‘n gedaanteverwisseling ondergaan. Die Khoisan wat op ‘n stadium besoekers met hul danse verwelkom het en ook in die kroeg opgetree het, het verdwyn terwyl die kamp waar hulle gebly agtergebly het. Wildbesigtigings was oorspronklik beperk tot die gebied vanaf die aanloopbaan tot by die oostelike grensdraad, maar soos grond bygekoop is kon die gedeelte wes van die aanloopbaan ook besoek word. Die koms van die olifante het stappery buite die kampe uitgeskakel, terwyl die verlies van die enigste krokodil wat in die waterpoel langs die tennisbane en hoofswembad gewoon het, dit moontlik gemaak om daar te ontspan sonder om een oog oop te hou.

Mabalingwe het oor die jare verskillende dinge aangebied, maar die natuur – die berg, die bosse, die bome, die damme en sonsondergange, maak dit steeds een van die top vakansieoorde om te besoek.

Hoffie Hofmeyr


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