Winter Comforts: Decadent Hot Chocolate Mug Cake

Indulge in the cosy warmth of winter with this easy-to-make hot chocolate mug cake. Perfect for those chilly evenings when you crave something sweet and comforting. In just a few minutes, you’ll have a delicious treat ready to enjoy by the fire.


– 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour

– 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

– 3 tablespoons granulated sugar

– 1/4 teaspoon baking powder

– 1/8 teaspoon salt

– 3 tablespoons milk

– 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

– 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

– Mini marshmallows (optional, for topping)


1. In a microwave-safe mug, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder, and salt until well combined.

2. Stir in the milk, vegetable oil, and vanilla extract until the batter is smooth and no lumps remain.

3. Microwave on high for 1-2 minutes, or until the cake has risen and set in the middle. Be careful not to overcook.

4. Let the mug cake cool for a minute before topping with mini marshmallows, if desired.

5. Grab a spoon and enjoy your warm and gooey hot chocolate mug cake!

*Tip: For an extra indulgent twist, top your mug cake with whipped cream or a drizzle of chocolate sauce.*

Your Resort Stories: Hoffie Hofmeyr’s Story

We love it when our valued guests and shareholders share their holiday experiences with us. As a new section, as part of our blog, we will feature stories that our guests shared with us – some from yesteryear and others from more recently.

Here is a story, told as seen through the eyes of shareholder, Hoffie Hofmeyr:

In 1988, is daar oor naweke bemarking by Mabalingwe gedoen by wyse van ʼn braai by die groot swembad, ‘n aanbieding van die ontwikkelingsplanne waar die muurbalbaan is en ‘n rit per wildbesigtigingsvoertuig na die restaurant en paar woonplekke in Ingwekamp, wat reeds opgerig was, om ‘n idee te kry van hoe hulle destyds gelyk het. Slegs die fondasies van 57 tot 61 was gelê, maar die pragtige uitsig suid en op die waterdrinkplek in die gebied naby waar die Tloukamp nou is, was genoeg om ‘n paar weke te verkoop.

Met die eerste besoeke vanaf 1989, is die wêreld per voet verken. Destyds, was daar nog nie olifante nie. Eers is oor die berg geklim tot by die Kubudam en dan deur die poort gestap tot aan die bopunt van die Wesselsdam, waar daar ‘n goeie piekniek plek was. Later is by die Kubudam eenhede gebou met ‘n konferensiefasiliteit. Die eenhede is gedurende die week vir konferensies gebruik en oor naweke deur deeltiteleienaars.  By die piekniekplek is eers ‘n bergklimplek geskep, toe is ‘n boogskietarea ontwikkel en later ‘n klim-en-klouter-stellasie.

‘n Ander roete was langs die koppie deur waar Kwalatakamp nou is tot by Kameelperddrinkplek. In die omgewing waar die Kalahari Oasis later jare vir die Castrol-advertensies opgerig is, moes ons vir renosters uitgekyk word, want dit was een van hul geliefde uithangplekke. Dan was daar die pad oor die koppie waar die leeukamp vandag is, tot by die ou ingang wat nader aan Witland was as die huidige ingang. Daar was toe miskien nie leeus nie, maar wel pofadders.

Witland self was ‘n ou land en toentertyd sonder bome. Die verskillende boksoorte het daarvan gehou om daar te oornag en vroegoogend na sonsonder se kant, was ‘n mens verseker van ontmoetings.Trouens, dit was moontlik om daar uit te klim en saam met die Kameelperde te stap solank as wat ‘n dertig treë afstand of so gehandhaaf word. By die Tsesebbe-drink-plek was daar op ‘n stadium ‘n skuiling gewees, vanwaar die verskillende diere se manewales dopgehou kon word, soos Njalas wat spog of Koedoes wat ‘stoei’. In 1989, is by geleentheid twee luiperde voor die kantoor vrygelaat en is hulle soos blits teen die berg uit.

Die koms van die seekoeie was iets besonder en ligte is bo by die boonste swembad onder die kroeg aangebring om die onderste gedeelte langs die pad te verlig, wanneer hulle saans uitgekom het om aan voer wat uitgesit is om te vreet. Dit was aan die begin nodig sodat hulle gevestig kon raak. Soms het hulle met mekaar geargumenteer en dan is een tydelik uit die trop verdryf. Daar is gewoonlik na die watergat, suid van Ingwe, gevlug. By een geleentheid het so ‘n seekoei ‘n vrou wat wederregtelik ‘n hondjie saamgebring en gaan stap het in die pad onder na die winkel se kant toe, aangeval en by ‘n ander geleentheid is een uit Ingwe verdryf deur die werkers en personeel wat op die destyds metaalasblikke se deksels geslaan het. Die gevolg was dat daar toe ‘n lae elektriese heining om die kamp aangebring is. Die oorblyfsels is vandag nog daar, maar die seekoeie het intussen hoër op beweeg en bly hoofsaaklik in die Gorcumdam.

Die winkel by die swembad het aan die begin, afgesien van kosvoorrade, ook klere en allerlei aandenkings aangehou. Later was daar ‘n afsonderlike winkel bo by die kantore waar ‘n verskeidenheid toerisme-items aangebied is. Met die ontwikkeling van die karavaankamp en die opening van die winkel daar, het die klem egter verskuif na noodsaaklikhede en die behoeftes van kampeerders.

Soos wat meer kampe ontwikkel en huise opgerig is, het die aard van die aktiwiteite wat aangebied was ook verander. Wildbesigtigingsritte, swem, muurbal, tafeltennis en tennis is aangevul met ‘n ‘Jacuzzi’, mini-golf, vlugbal, ‘n speletjieskamer en ‘n groot verskeidenheid van vermaak wat veral vir ouers met kinders verwelkomend moes wees.Tloukamp, wat die verantwoordelikheid vir konferensies by Kubukamp oorgeneem het en ook op troues en die huisvesting van trougaste afgestem was, het ook weer ‘n gedaanteverwisseling ondergaan. Die Khoisan wat op ‘n stadium besoekers met hul danse verwelkom het en ook in die kroeg opgetree het, het verdwyn terwyl die kamp waar hulle gebly agtergebly het. Wildbesigtigings was oorspronklik beperk tot die gebied vanaf die aanloopbaan tot by die oostelike grensdraad, maar soos grond bygekoop is kon die gedeelte wes van die aanloopbaan ook besoek word. Die koms van die olifante het stappery buite die kampe uitgeskakel, terwyl die verlies van die enigste krokodil wat in die waterpoel langs die tennisbane en hoofswembad gewoon het, dit moontlik gemaak om daar te ontspan sonder om een oog oop te hou.

Mabalingwe het oor die jare verskillende dinge aangebied, maar die natuur – die berg, die bosse, die bome, die damme en sonsondergange, maak dit steeds een van die top vakansieoorde om te besoek.

Hoffie Hofmeyr


Share your Mabalingwe experiences with us by sending your stories to to be featured on our blog!

Your Resort Stories: Friedel Wichmann’s Story

We love it when our valued guests and shareholders share their holiday experiences with us. As a new section, as part of our blog, we will feature stories that our guests shared with us – some from yesteryear and others from more recently.

Here is a story, told as seen through the eyes of shareholder, Friedel Wichmann:

My wife and I have had Timeshare at Mabalingwe for the past 32 years now.

We, as a family, love this place. Older folks enjoy nature, animals and birds. Younger people love horse riding, swimming, playing Mini-Golf and listening to music at Kalahari Oasis.

When we first came to Mabalingwe, Kalahari Oasis was only a stopover for a beer or cool drinks. The day the film was made for the oil advertisement, we drove through the area not knowing what was going on. As you can imagine, we were not very popular.

I still remember the site where the jersey cow raised the buffalo.

We had a narrow escape where the old elephant bull decided to storm our car at Buffel Waterhole.

Before they put the safety fence up at the Units, the warthogs came to your door looking for food. One wanted to enter our Unit, and I hit him on the bum with a newspaper, upon which he turned around and hit me with a tooth; luckily for me, it was not very deep. Friends phoned us and my wife told them “my husband is bleeding like a pig”.

In the olden days, the hippos used to walk between the Units and you had to be very careful when walking to your car at night.

The old bar called ‘Kanniedood’ was named after a Kanniedood tree – that was growing near the entrance. As you entered the bar, there was a leopard mounted between some rocks. Basie Wessels, the owner at that stage, would talk to the people in the bar. The barmen working there were Timothy and Japie. Unfortunately, Basie died in a plane crash on the farm and Timothy, I understand, in a motor vehicle accident. With the big fire at the restaurant, the Kanniedood bar and all its memories were destroyed.

The Resort has since grown to a 5-star holiday destination, from the time I first came to Mabalingwe. It is near Pretoria and Johannesburg, and I can recommend it to anyone looking for a relaxing holiday.

Friedel Wichmann


Share your Mabalingwe experiences with us by sending your stories to to be featured on our blog!

Your Resort Stories: Johann J van Emmenis’ Story

We love it when our valued guests and shareholders share their holiday experiences with us. As a new section, as part of our blog, we will feature stories that our guests shared with us – some from yesteryear and others from more recently.

Here is a story, told as seen through the eyes of shareholder, Johann J van Emmenis:

My Roadmap:

It started on Saturday, 24th of February 1990. My wife and I went to Warmbad (Bela-Bela) for the day to visit friends that booked a weekend there. Coming off the Highway towards Bela-Bela, at the “T” junction, some energetic people were handing out fliers. “Come for a tour to Mabalingwe, and we will give you a T-shirt and Lunch (Pap, etc.)” Thinking this is a good idea for a FREE lunch; we (my wife, our friends and I) headed to Mabalingwe. There we were introduced to this new concept of a holiday called “Timeshare.”

We fell in love with what we saw – BUSH – and I love it! We worked out how to split the costs three ways, and the rest is history. At the time, I was the only member of this three-way alliance that had little debt, and the other 2 partners agreed that this should be in my name. Costing us R6600.00 for the unit, and an initial levy of just R240.00

The 12th of October 1990, saw the first week of holiday at Mabalingwe. Driving my Toyota Corolla into the Parking area of Unit 20. Wow, what an experience!

Since that day, we visited Mabalingwe every year – Week 41… 

In recent years, we also obtained some Vacation Club Points, and now we frequent this 2nd home at least twice a year, spending +- 3 weeks on average here.

Why you may ask? What is making this such an attraction for me?

I stay less than 170Km from the gate; it is in the bush. My dad grew up on a farm in the Waterberg; we visited it regularly (December when my dad’s whole family would go to “Die Plaas”). Being in the bush has such a calming effect, and I found myself sometimes just sitting on the hill looking over the valley. Wind, birds, the odd tractor, or steam train in the distance, that is “what is in my blood”.

What we have found in the first years, you get there on a Friday, and by Wednesday, you are so relaxed, just to see the upcoming Friday around the corner. We have done this many times; rather stay for 2 weeks, than go home on the first Friday.

Oom Basie did it for me, with the income generated from the farm, ploughing it back into the farm. I remember the one time when a truck with antelope arrived, and it was for the farm, the people that love the bush. It could have been so much different if he didn’t love the bush.

Then there is the Staff, from way back until now, making you feel like family and not just another guest from some far corner of the country. Having a passion for their work, always greeting…. then there are some more special ones, making bets when you will be back, with a “Nee Oom jy mag nie antwoord nie” at the meet-and-greet, making you feel like a special person in their lives.

Yes, in every organisation, company, household, there are challenges some days; with ups and downs, but working through it, sticking to your beliefs – Mabalingwe is still number 1 on my list of “MUST be” places!

Yours truly,

Johann J van Emmenis


Share your Mabalingwe experiences with us by sending your stories to to be featured on our blog!

Holidays are Food for your Soul

This year so far has been one for the history books. Since the novel pandemic COVID-19 hit our shores, we have all been trying to adhere to the safety regulations and adjust to the new normal. Having to come to terms with the impact that this virus has had here at home as well as in other countries has taken its toll on many of us. For many of us, we spend our days going out to see our loved ones, going to eat at our favourite restaurants or leaving for a great holiday to clear our minds. Not being able to do any of these has definitely taken its toll on us.

As we enter into the warmer season, hopefully, the tourism regulations will start to ease up and allow for intra-provincial travel (and maybe even inter-provincial travel if we are lucky). That would mean we can look forward to taking staycations! Yes, STAYCATION!

noun · informal
A holiday that someone spends in their own country or at home, rather than travelling somewhere else.

A staycation is just the thing that we can use for some self-care for the mind, body and soul. Here are are a few points to remind you why holidaying, or staycationing, is good for you:


Taking the time to go away on holiday is a great way to give your mind a time out that can not only enrich the mind but also help you deal with feels related to anxiety, stress and other mental health concerns. If you have been feeling uninspired of late, a holiday might just be the remedy you need to inject some creativity and increase your overall productivity; increasing your overall mental power.



Stress can contribute to conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure. A holiday, even a mini staycation, can help reduce stress and the effects it may have on your body. A holiday where you can go on a lovely hike or do some soothing yoga in the peaceful and scenic outdoors is the perfect way to boost your immunity and energy, while you appreciate all that nature offers. Not only do you release feel-good chemicals like serotonin after an exercise session that lessen the amount of stress in your body, and you also get some much-needed vitamin D from the sun, which is essential for optimal healthBONUS! 



Holidaying is truly a gift that keeps on giving. From the fun excitement that comes from planning the trip; to the anticipation en-route to the destination; then the blissful relaxation that comes from being at your favourite home-away-from-home and the almost hypnotic calmness you can feel days after the holiday has ended. That long-lasting feel-good-feeling is undeniably some wholesome food for the soul.


Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” –Eleanor Brown

With everything going on, it’s important to take care of YOU. We know that you cannot wait to satisfy your travel cravings and feed your wanderlust soul to nourish your mind, body and spirit. Hopefully, you will be able to treat yourself to a lovely staycation that you will thank yourself for. In the meantime, use your imagination and start planning for your staycation and all the holiday gems you can explore right around the corner. Fingers crossed!

We look forward to welcoming you and your loved ones for a great holiday experience once leisure travel is permitted. You can still book your stay for Business Travel. For bookings and other enquiries, please be in touch on or on +27 (0) 14 001 7011.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that Government Regulations surrounding the South African lockdown and COVID-19 are continuously being amended and updated. As such, we remain committed to providing you with relevant communications which are accurate and reflect the latest updates at the time of publishing. These regulations are subject to change and may need to be reviewed on occasion. We thank you for your understanding.