Game Drives Made Easy

Game Drives Made Easy

What’s a trip to a nature reserve without an exhilarating Game Drive? Being able to witness some of the earth’s most beautiful creatures in their natural habitat is one of the most wonderful experiences a person can have!

Most of us look forward to enjoying as many Game Drives as possible on our trip to a Game Reserve in order to see as much as possible! Whether it’s the icy morning drives looking for signs of the previous night’s animal activity, a midday drive looking out for the gathering at the watering hole or a beautiful sunset drive waiting for the wildlife to stir and come out of their hiding for a bit of fun, game drives are a MUST DO!

Here are a few tips to get you ready for a wonderful Mabalingwe Game Drive:

  • Know what time to see what: Different animals become active at different times of the day. The atmosphere is also different, which means each game drive experience will be different.
    • Early mornings are for those who enjoy the stillness of nature and want to witness the animals (antelope, elephants etc.) emerge from their night hidings and start their food scavenging for the day.
    • Midday brings lazy animals resting under the shade of the trees and shrubs, keeping cool. Although it may not be the most active time of the day for animals, being close to a watering hole on a hot day could get quite interesting!
    • Late afternoon and evening drives are exciting. Alongside beautiful photo opportunities, this is when the nocturnal animals come out to have a bit of fun.
  • Pack Snacks! Often times the Game Rangers stop off at a beautiful lookout point midway through the game drive giving the passengers an opportunity to stretch their legs, interact with nature and have a bite to eat! Socialise, make friends and have fun… that’s what game drives are about. And don’t forget to pack extra snacks for the drive.
  • Can you see them now? Binoculars are ALWAYS a good idea! Animals often hide or camouflage themselves in the distant trees and shrubs, and you don’t want to miss out! Bring those binoculars along to make sure you don’t miss a single sighting!
  • Look them up! Every experience is a learning experience, so bring that book on all the South African Wildlife or your Mabalingwe sightings list along to see just how many animals you can spot. This will make it that much easier for you!
  • Don’t forget your jacket! Early mornings and evenings get quite chilly out on a game drive. The wind gets quite nippy on an open game drive vehicle, so a warm jacket and perhaps a beanie and gloves are a must!
  • Hydration Station! It may be cool in the mornings and evenings, BUT it also gets quite hot out there at midday in the African sun! This means water is a Game Drive essential.
  • Have Fun! Most importantly, enjoy every second of your game drive. Take pictures of the beautiful surroundings and magnificent creatures you see (even the smallest ones). Get to know your fellow Game Drive Enthusiasts. The experience is what you make it to be!



1 Comment

  • Craig Mitchelson

    January 23, 2022 at 7:50 pm

    Good Day, hope you are well.

    Please can you send me your prices for game drives? Is it possible to do a game drive at Mabalingwe if we are staying at Zebula?

    Thank you, much appreciated.

